Residential Electricity Rates

Residential and small business customers can choose between three price plans: Time-of-Use (TOU), Tiered, and Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO). 

Customers can use London Hydro's Price Plan Calculator to automatically compare the plans based on their actual usage and easily switch between them.

If you don't have a MyLondonHydro account or access to London Hydro's mobile app Trickl, you can switch price plans by completing an election form or by contacting us at (519) 661-5503, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4 pm. If you would like to learn more about your pricing options, visit

Tiered Pricing is broken down into set amounts of electricity that may be used at a specific rate; once this set amount is exceeded, the rate changes to a more expensive tier. Tiered pricing is generally updated annually on May 1 and November 1. 

As of November 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025, Tiered prices for residential customers are:

First Tier - Up to 1000 kWh

Second Tier - More Than 1000 kWh

9.3 cents per kWh

11.0 cents per kWh

Tiered prices for non-residential customers are:

First Tier - Up to 750 kWh

Second Tier - More Than 750 kWh

9.3 cents per kWh

11.0 cents per kWh


Residential Electricity Rates, Effective November 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025 - Breakdown of Charges

  Breakdown of Charges

Rates Effective November 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025
Electricity price (TOU or Tier or ULO) Peak TOU Rateper kWh$0.158
Mid-Peak TOU Rateper kWh$0.122
Off-Peak TOU Rateper kWh$0.076
First 1000 kWh Tierper kWh$0.093
Second >1000 kWh Tierper kWh$0.11
On-Peak ULO Rateper kWh$0.284
Mid-Peak ULO Rateper kWh$0.122
Weekend Off-Peak ULO Rateper kWh$0.076
Ultra-Low Overnight ULO Rateper kWh$0.028
DeliveryFixed Monthly Chargeper month$29.67
Rate Rider for Recovery of Advanced Capital Module (2024)per month$0.04
IESO Smart Metering Entity Chargeper month$0.42
Rate Rider for Disposition of Account 1509 (2024)per month$0.01
Rate Rider for Disposition of Global Adjustment Account (2024)*per kWh$(0.0085)
Rate Rider for Disposition of Deferral/Variance Accounts (2024)per kWh$0.0051
Rate Rider for Disposition of Capacity Based Recovery Account (2024)**per kWh$(0.0002)
Network Charge***per kWh$0.0105
Connection Charge***per kWh$0.0080
Adjustment Factor Charge****per kWhkWh x 0.0288 x Electricity Rate
RegulatoryWholesale Market Service Charge***per kWh$0.0041
Capacity Based Recoveryper kWh$0.0004
Rural Rate Protection Charge***per kWh$0.0015
GovernmentAdministration Charge******per month$0.25
HSTper bill13%
Ontario Electricity Rebateper bill(13.1%)

*Applicable only for Non-RPP Customers


**Applicable only for Class B Customers


***In calculating your bill, your consumption amount will be adjusted to account for heat loss. When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment such as wires and transformers consume power before it gets to your home or business. The adjustment factor accounts for these losses.


****Adjustment Factor Charge is kWh x 0.0288 x Electricity Rate. For Example: 200 kWh x 0.0288 Adjustment Factor x Electricity Rate = 5.76 kWh x $0.151/kWh = $0.8697.

***** Monthly Administration charge applies to non-retailer affiliated customers only.


Three bars showing the pricing for the three different Regulated Price Plans

Log into MyLondonHydro or Trickl to Choose the Price Plan That's Best for You

You can now compare electricity price plans based on your actual usage and easily switch between plans.
About TOU Pricing

With TOU prices, the price depends on when you use electricity. You can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods when possible.

There are three TOU periods:

  • Off-peak: When demand for electricity is lowest. Ontario households use most of their electricity – nearly two thirds of it – during off-peak hours.
  • Mid-peak: When demand for electricity is moderate. These periods are during the daytime, but not the busiest times of day.
  • On-peak: When demand for electricity is generally higher. These are the busier times of day - generally when people are cooking, starting up their computers and running heaters or air conditioners.

People use electricity differently depending on the season, so the TOU price periods are different in the winter than they are in the summer.

Time of Use Graph
About Ultra Low Pricing

Like TOU, ULO prices depend on when you use electricity. This price plan is ideal for those who can shift a significant amount of their usage to overnight.

There are four ULO price periods:

  • Ultra-Low Overnight, when demand for electricity is lowest on average.
  • Weekend Off-peak, when demand for electricity is generally lower.
  • Mid-peak, when demand for electricity is moderate.
  • On-peak, when demand for electricity is highest on average.

The ULO price periods are the same in the summer as they are in the winter. On weekends and holidays the cheapest rates are in effect all day. View the Holiday Schedule for Time-of-Use and Ultra-Low Overnight.

Ultra-Low Overnight Graphs
About Tiered Pricing

With Tiered prices, you can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price. Once that limit (called a threshold) is exceeded, a higher price applies. For residential customers, the threshold normally changes with the season to reflect changing usage patterns – for example, there are fewer hours of daylight in the winter and some customers use electric heating.

In the winter period (November 1 – April 30), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 1,000 kWh so that households can use more power at the lower price. In the summer period (May 1 – October 31), the Tier threshold for residential customers is 600 kWh. 

For small business customers, the Tier threshold is 750 kWh all year round. 

Tiered prices give you the flexibility to use electricity at any time of day at the same price, although that price will change if you exceed the threshold during the month.

Tiered Graphs