Green Button® DMD and CMD


Green Button® Certified℠ DMD and CMD Platforms

Green Button® Download My Data® (DMD) and Green Button® Connect My Data® (CMD) are the energy industry’s standard for enabling easy access to, and downloading or authorized sharing of, utility-customer energy, gas and water -usage data. Easy, secure, digital access to standardized energy and water billing and consumption data enables utility customers to gain better insights into waste and inefficiencies—allowing them to make adjustments to use fewer resources, save money or choose to use new apps and services to determine additional savings. For property managers, access to standardized Green Button® data significantly streamlines data collection and simplifies the building resource-consumption reporting process.

On November 1st, 2021, Todd Smith, Minister of Energy for Ontario, announced a mandate requiring nearly all regulated Ontario electricity and natural gas utilities to provide their customers with digital access to their standardized, Green Button® data within twenty-four months. As an early adopter of Green Button® standards since 2015—and with Green Button® Certified℠ DMD since 2015 and Green Button® Certified℠ CMD since 2022—London Hydro has extensive knowledge in implementing Green Button® standards-based solutions for electricity, natural gas and water usage data.

The Green Button® Download My Data (DMD) method enables homeowners and property managers to download their electricity-usage data from distributors’ websites in the industry-standard, Green Button® data format. Energy customers can utilize these data to view their historical and present energy usage, analyze trends and make informed energy-management choices.

Extending upon the Green Button® Download My Data (DMD) method, the Green Button® Connect My Data (CMD) method allows customers to authorize direct, secure transfer of their energy-usage data to third-party service providers to assist them with easily managing and conserving energy. In addition, due to the use of common, standardized Green Button® formats, third-party developers are able to rapidly create and offer these products, services and applications without customization to each utility’s output.

London Hydro has extensive experience successfully implementing Green Button® solutions for several partners nationally in the electricity, water and gas industry.

London Hydro app being viewed on a smartphone

Shared Services

London Hydro has created a collection of self-service tools and solutions that provide customers with 24/7 access to their data.

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